Homemade Hot Pepper Cream for Arthritis & Joint Pain

Homemade Hot Pepper Cream for Arthritis & Joint Pain

Ryan Weisgerber via Flickr

Ryan Weisgerber via Flickr

Today we want to share a fantastic post from EverydayRoots.com revealing three recipes for potent pain relieving creams, including:

  • An Original Capsaicin Cream Recipe
  • A Super Strength Cream
  • A “Little Bit Extra” Cream

Capsaicin, the chemically active component in hot peppers that makes them taste spicy, is a clinically proven and safe topical therapy for pain relief for arthritis and joint pain. Using capsaicin cream regularly reduces the amount of substance P in nerve fibers, which is responsible for transmitting pain messages. In a sense, hot pepper cream tricks your brain into blocking its sensitivity to its pain receptors so your joints hurt a lot less. The ingredients for homemade remedies can be purchased at grocery and health food stores and many may already be stocked in your pantry, offering significant savings over costly pharmaceutical drugs. To get these recipes and more information, click the link below……

**** Warning: These spices stain. Wear an apron or clothes you don’t mind putting at risk when making these.

Homemade Hot Pepper Cream for Arthritis & Joint Pain