Homemade Liquid Watercolor Paint

Homemade Liquid Watercolor Paint

Image: happyhooligans.ca

Image: happyhooligans.ca

Liquid watercolors are a versatile art supply that kids, especially, love to create with. If you’ve got a stash of dried-out markers lying around, you can make your own liquid watercolors for free! So if you have some little ones around the house to keep busy, why not give these homemade watercolors a try? They’re easy, frugal, and fun.

What You Will Need:

  • dried out markers
  • water
  • glass jars with lids (large baby food jars or small mason jars are great)

and if you’re putting in the extra effort: 

  • small bowl
  • fork
  • scissors or pliers

To make these liquid watercolor paints couldn’t be easier! You only need a few supplies and most homes with kids already have them in their craft closet or where ever you keep the arts and craft supplies! Hop over to happyhooligans.ca via the link below for all of the details….

Homemade Liquid Watercolor Paint