Homemade Re-hydration Drink

Homemade Re-hydration Drink

Cam B via Flickr

Cam B via Flickr

Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you stop drinking water or lose large amounts of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, or exercise. It is VERY IMPORTANT to watch babies, small children, and older adults closely for the early symptoms of dehydration anytime they have illnesses that cause high fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. These are the early symptoms of dehydration:

  • The mouth and eyes may be drier than usual.
  • The urine may be darker than usual.
  • The person may feel cranky, tired, or dizzy.

Rehydration means replacing what we lose during dehydration, so rehydration drinks must include water. We also lose nutrients that we get from food, mainly salt and energy, so to rehydrate, we must replace these nutrients too. Water + a little salt + energy food = rehydration drink. Check out how to make your own via the link below.

**** Always get advice from a healthcare professional before taking this medicine ****

Homemade Re-hydration Drink