Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe

Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe

 BruceBlaus via Wikipedia

BruceBlaus via Wikipedia

Commercial vapor rubs are typically petroleum based and add camphor which has been synthetically derived from the oil of turpentine and menthol, which is typically synthetically made. Remember, anything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream! Isn’t it much better to make your skin care products from non-toxic or edible ingredients? Particularly when you use them on your children? Erm… I’d say so!!

I’ve seen about 10 different versions of this recipe, and not a single one agreed with the other on measurements of everything! This recipe from Diane at turningclockback.com seems to be just right! If you’re making this for a small child make sure cut back on the essential oils! A child’s skin is much more delicate, the oils will be too strong! Check out the full recipe and directions here:

Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe