How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body

How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body

Riley Kaminer via Flickr

Riley Kaminer via Flickr

What does it mean? In a nut shell, pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14—the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution. When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline it has a pH of 7 which is neutral.

Alkaline food is essential for our body and should be consumed in abundance to keep the pH level balanced. Foods such as vegetables, fresh fruit, raw nuts and seeds, and fresh squeezed juices create alkaline residues. This strengthens health, vitality and on-demand energy. Mild chronic acidosis often results from overconsumption of acid producing foods such as refined carbohydrates, damaged fats, sweets, alcohol, coffee, soda, meats and dairy products – these need to be avoided. Check out this very interesting read from, you will find a ton of information – click here:

How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body