How To Build Lego Dogs

How To Build Lego Dogs

photo credit: frugalfun4boys

photo credit: frugalfun4boys

Legos are a blessing and an obsession at our house. It is a rare day that I don’t find at least one minifigure and collection of bricks in someone’s pocket (usually my husband!!) Saying that I had lots of Lego-building experience as a kid! We loved it and made anything and everything!

Did you know kids around the world spend around 5 billion hours playing with Lego? Did you know the word Lego comes from the Danish word Leg Godt which means “play well”? And did you know the world record for the largest Lego castle used 400,000 bricks? Nope neither did I! This activity is extremely easy and fun to make with your kids. Want to know how to build lego dogs? Follow here:

How To Build Lego Dogs