How to Get Rid of Dog Urine Smell

How to Get Rid of Dog Urine Smell

Your dog’s urine is a combination of ammonia, bacteria, hormones, nitrogen and uric acid. It’s the uric acid that creates a lingering smell even after you’ve cleaned up after your dog. It can be especially potent when the air is humid. We love our four-legged friends dearly…but not so much the stains and messes they leave behind. We can’t blame them really-they don’t come into the world knowing they have to go outdoors or in the litter box every time they have to go potty!

Have your pet checked out by a veterinarian to rule out medical causes for the accident. When you are certain your pet is healthy, use positive reinforcement to re-train your cat or dog (or train your kitten or puppy) to eliminate in the proper place. There may have been a reason why your pet chose the wrong place to eliminate. There’s no way to avoid the mess, no matter how well trained your friend is, but by making your own cleaners you can avoid lasting stains and extra money spent on store-bought stain removers. For further details on how you can get rid of dog urine smells in your home, click the link below….

How to Get Rid of Dog Urine Smell