How To Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages

How To Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages

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For centuries, hunters and soldiers have used Lamb’s Ear leaves as a field dressing for injuries. With its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and super absorbent properties, it makes a perfect make-shift bandage. Women have used Lamb’s ear when it is their time of the month in the past and some people still do.

This is truly the best plant / herb you can grow in your garden. Lamb’s ear is easy to grow, easy to transplant and has a ton of uses some of you may not know. Over at the, Kendra shares that every single plant she considers putting in the ground: “they must be either edible or medicinal. Preferably both.”  Learn how to grow and use it in the safety and comfort of your own backyard – click here:

How To Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages