How To Make Cough Syrup – AKA Snake Juice

How To Make Cough Syrup –

AKA Snake Juice

photo credit: themilkmanswife

photo credit: themilkmanswife

Did you know that some commercial cough syrups are loaded with sugar, corn syrup and other nasty ingredients? If you are careful what you give to your family, you may want to make your own cough syrup to have around the medicine cabinet. And, the good news is, this medicine tastes great!

This is a wonderful recipe from over The Milk Mans Wife and because this is a powerful cold and cough syrup, it later became known as “Snake Juice”. It’s so simple to make. It simply requires chopping, squeezing, pouring and mixing a few different ingredients. Once it’s made, a tablespoon measure for adults will help heal coughs and colds fast. Find out how to make this “Snake Juice” here, via this link:

How To Make Cough Syrup – AKA Snake Juice