How To Make Money When Living A Self-Sustainable Lifestyle

How To Make Money When Living A Self-Sustainable Lifestyle

By wavebreakmedia/

Self sufficient living means learning to grow your own, make your own, sell your own and bake your own, self reliance is the way forward. It’s all about saving $$ and earning from what you can produce, for example;

  • Grow your own vegetables
  • Grow your own fruit and nut trees
  • Grow your own olive oil
  • Keep bees for honey
  • Keep chickens for eggs and meat
  • Keep either sheep, goats, or cows for milk, butter cheese, yogurt and meat
  • Keep sheep for their wool for spinning and weaving

It’s time we stopped thinking of large open spaces as being a pre-requisite for self-sufficiency. We can be self-sufficient at home with backyard gardening and be self sufficient, on just a fifth of an acre! YES, it IS possible! Check out this article for tips on where to start if you haven’t already, click the link below….

How To Make Money When Living A Self-Sustainable Lifestyle