How To Make Rainbow Roses

How To Make Rainbow Roses

Kurtis Garbutt via Flickr

Kurtis Garbutt via Flickr

Would you like your roses to look different and special this year? These colorful rainbow roses are simply fabulous and would make a wonderful gift. It is a simple process but the results are magnificent! You will get a step by step guide with this article and you will be so happy you found this post! Other than roses, cut flowers such as chrysanthemum, carnation, hydrangea and some species of orchids are also able to be manipulated in this way (who knew?!).

Rainbow roses are most unusual because the petals of the same flower display various colors. The technique for producing rainbow roses was developed by Peter van de Werken from River Roses, a flower company located in Holland. These rainbow roses are fun to make and you will get some great complements! Keep reading for the full tutorial via the link below….

How To Make Rainbow Roses