How to Make Rhubarb Wine

How to Make Rhubarb Wine

Duncan via Flickr

Duncan via Flickr

I LOVE rhubarb – pies, crumbles, tarts, pastries, preserves, chutneys, sodas  – everything! I have never tried rhubarb wine, didn’t even know you could make it! Although I grow a lot of rhubarb, I have never yet made rhubarb wine, this will be a great experiment! I am also pretty sure that if you do grow your own rhubarb, then it’s going to make it cheaper to make! Rhubarb comes into season around April or May. Early May is the best time to make rhubarb wine if growing it yourself. As for supplies, you can buy most necessary wine making ingredients from a wine making supply store, in some areas you can buy it from your local grocery store or online. 

What You’ll Need:

    • 1.5kg (3.5 lb) rhubarb
    • 1.3kg (just under 3 lb) sugar – you can use organic sugar or sucanat
    • 250ml (8 oz) white grape juice concentrate
    • 1 sachet general purpose white wine yeast
    • 1 tsp yeast nutrient

Want to know how it’s done? Click the link below and get the full tutorial and all of the information you will need in order to make your own rhubarb wine! Enjoy!

How to Make Rhubarb Wine