How To Make Rope From Plants

How To Make Rope From Plants

photo credit to momprepares

photo credit to momprepares

Learning to make cordage is actually quite simple. However, mastering it can actually take a while. Once you know how to make cordage you can make all manner of things that require cordage. Everything from rope, to cloth, to nets, to even a bridge if you need it. After all, this method is how they make those giant rope bridges out of grass in places like the Andes! Rope is an essential survival item, and as a result the ability to make your own cordage is important as well. Once you know how to make cordage, no matter what situation you find yourself in, as long as you can find some kind of plant to get fibers from, you can make cordage.


In a wilderness survival situation, this skill will allow you to make fishing lines, spears and arrows, and snares, as well as construct certain types of shelters. Even certain fire making techniques (e.g. bow drill) rely on having strong cordage! Just like fire, a good rope is a tool in and of itself. Want more information on how to make rope from plants? Head over to via the link below…..

How To Make Rope From Plants