How to Make Wool Dryer Balls

How to Make Wool Dryer Balls

J D via Flickr

J D via Flickr

People have been making them these for years as an eco-friendly alternative to dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener. Wool dryer balls can do so much more than just eliminate chemicals from your laundry! The wool soaks up some of the moisture in your laundry as it dries, but then evenly distributes it into the air – helping your dryer stay humid longer, which exponentially reduces static cling. It literally makes your clothes dry faster, with all of these things together also mean fewer wrinkles! BONUS! 

Don’t bother paying someone else to wind yarn into a ball for you; making your own felted wool dryer balls is a simple process you can do while watching a flick, helping kids with homework, or waiting for dinner to cook. Click the link below for all of the information you will need….

How to Make Wool Dryer Balls