How To Make Zinnia Flowers from Pine Cones!

How To Make Zinnia Flowers from Pine Cones!



These zinnias flowers look amazing, and it is really a fun activity to do with kids. The trick is to flip the cone over to paint the bottom bright which make them look booming, you can paint in ombre or bold brighter color. I’m not sure what colors of craft paint I have lying around, but I’m heading out to gather up a few cones leftover from last year so I can make a few of my own. I’m thinking this is a great way to add color to the bedroom – or any room for that matter – without having to deal with fresh flowers that need attention and care!

All supplies you need:

  • Pine cones
  • Acrylic craft paint
  • Paint brush

Check out the full tutorial via the link below:

How To Make Zinnia Flowers from Pine Cones!