How to Sleep Better, When You Can’t

How to Sleep Better, When You Can’t

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Sometimes going to sleep can seem boring. There’s so much more you want to do. But if you’ve ever had too little sleep, you know that you don’t feel very well when you’re not rested. Sleep trouble isn’t just an adult problem; kids have trouble getting to sleep, too. And they usually keep their parents up with them! Bedtime can become a battle when little bodies don’t bide by the clock.

Sleep is so important. Kids need a LOT of sleep. When they aren’t getting their full 12 hours (it ranges based on their age), it makes a really big difference in everything that they do (development, focus, etc…) This chart is from

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Sleep is VERY important, so teaching our kids great sleep/wake patterns will benefit your child greatly. (enough sleep = healthier child… better ability to stay focused, happier children… there are so many benefits to getting enough sleep). So what can we do to help the process a long? Check out this awesome article of hints and tips from here:

How to Sleep Better, When You Can’t