How to use Comfrey to Heal Broken Bones

How to use Comfrey to Heal Broken Bones

Image credit: longtimemother

Image credit: longtimemother

A comfrey poultice is a time-honored herbal treatment for sprains, broken bones, ulcers, boils and skin inflammation. Comfrey has been used to heal broken bones for so long that it’s even earned the nickname “boneset” because it was thought to set bones. Longtime Mother blog shares a first hand account of using Comfrey poultice to encourage the healing of her husband’s broken ankle.

*** Comfrey is not recommended internally. Not recommended for use in pregnant women, even externally. As always, consult a doctor and/or qualified herbalist before using this or any herb *** For more information please head to via the link here:

How to use Comfrey to Heal Broken Bones