How to Vacuum Seal Your Food (Without A Vacuum Sealer)

How to Vacuum Seal Your Food

(Without A Vacuum Sealer)



Vacuum sealing is one of the first food preservation methods we started using to help stretch the food budget and keep us from throwing freezer burnt food out if we didn’t eat it soon enough. There are some great tips and tricks to help you seal your food right the first time, every time and save you even more money with less waste.

This vacuum sealing method is unlikely to give you as tight a seal as with a specially designed machine, but it is good enough to keep your food fresher longer. How well the vacuum seal works depends on how well you have removed the air from the bag. Check out this article below from and learn how you will be able to seal your food next time your power goes out or if you do not own a vacuum sealer.

How to Vacuum Seal Your Food (Without A Vacuum Sealer)