How To Whiten Your Teeth Using Turmeric

How To Whiten Your Teeth Using Turmeric

Certain food and drinks will directly stain the enamel and over time the two biggest culprits are the food and drink that actually break down the enamel, and weakening enamel as we age. As the enamel breaks down, it reveals the yellow dentin underneath. But this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to brighten your smile. When budgets are tight, we get on an all-natural kick or we just want to take our teeth whitening to the next level!

Turmeric, a gorgeous yellow spice that is often used to give mustard it’s bright color. Though these two substances are notorious for staining just about everything else in sight, they actually remove stains from teeth and lighten overall tooth color. It isn’t the first thing you’d think of for whitening teeth, but it works surprisingly well. In this tutorial, FitLifeTV demonstrates how to whiten your teeth using turmeric. With just a little bit of coconut oil, turmeric and peppermint oil, you can create an all natural homemade toothpaste that works like magic to your teeth. Check out the video and learn all the details about this effective home remedy….

How To Whiten Your Teeth Using Turmeric