How & Why To Plant Fruit Trees In The Fall

How & Why To Plant Fruit Trees In The Fall

Mari Smith via Flickr cc

Mari Smith via Flickr cc

Planting trees in the fall will allow time for the roots to get established while the ground is still thawed, but the air is cold enough that the tree doesn’t try to break dormancy. All of the tree’s energy goes into establishing a strong root system early on (until the ground freezes). This makes for a stronger tree with better growth in it’s first spring when it starts to grow foliage.

Once you successfully plant a fruit tree, you can expect to see bountiful harvests of fruit year after year with relatively no effort at all! It’s quite satisfying to know you have grown something that may well live beyond your own years and contributed to the environment! Here is a great guide on how and why you should plant fruit trees in the Fall for the best results!

As well as what to plant, this guide covers all you need to know – there really is nothing stopping you! Head over to for all the details! Click here:

How & Why To Plant Fruit Trees In The Fall