Jello Sherbet Ice Cream

Jello Sherbet Ice Cream


If anything can brighten up your day it will be this Jello Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with its creamy bright colors and flavors to match. It’s sure to make your day just that much more colorful. And what day couldn’t use just a bit more color in it? The best part about this recipe is that you can customize the flavors you use to your own liking. If you only want to use one flavor or if you want to use more flavors, the choice is yours.

An easier way to make ice cream is to use Jell-O pudding mix as a base. The powdered pudding contains thickeners, which will stabilize your ice cream without meticulous kitchen chemistry. The result will be a thick, sweet and creamy dessert that will impress your friends and family. Try this one out and let us know how you get on! A big thank you to Smart School House for the recipe xoxo

Jello Sherbet Ice Cream