July 4th Activities, Printables & Goodies!

July 4th Activities, Printables & Goodies!

The U.S. Army via Flickr

The U.S. Army via Flickr

The Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress on 4th of July, 1776 – now known as Independence Day – and every year Americans’ honors the birthday of the United States of America. July 4, 1776 – That was the day our country’s founders declared independence from Great Britain. This meant they would no longer follow the orders of Britain’s king. At the time, Britain had one of the world’s strongest armies, and to go against the king was a crime punishable by death. But the king’s laws were unfair, so our founders decided it was worth the risk of war to win the freedom to govern themselves. In 1783, the new United States won that war, which we now call the Revolutionary War.

Make sure you tell the kids about our flag – The 50 stars stand for the 50 states. The 13 stripes stand for the 13 British colonies, which declared their independence on July 4, 1776. Tell the children that the flag is a symbol — a way to show the world what we stand for. It also shows that we are connected to one another — that we’re on the same team. And because the flag is special, we treat it with respect.

The Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.

Check out these awesome activities, printables and goodies that kidsactivitiesblog.com have out together for you! There are lots to be done this July 4th – Enjoy some family time this holiday! Click the link below and grab some fun ideas:

July 4th Activities, Printables & Goodies!