Lavender Salt Ear Infection Remedy

Lavender Salt Ear Infection Remedy



You can feel quiet lost in trying to find earache relief for that sometimes excruciating but always very aggravating throbbing or stinging ear. Through time some very effective natural treatments have been discovered by natural doctors, scientists, sufferers and concerned parents…. 

Today we found a related article on how to offer quick relief to ear infection pain while the garlic oil works its magic. Making a lavender salt packet is a great option because of the natural qualities of the ingredients.
Lavender is naturally antibacterial and helps to reduce inflammation. Salt is naturally drying and helps to pull fluid out of the ear, making this combination is a great quick-fix!

Remember our warning that unless you are 101% sure the eardrum is not punctured (because your doctor examined you or your child and he has told you so) never put anything deep inside the ear canal! Head on over to Wellness Mama for the full instructions and more information about why is works!

Lavender Salt Ear Infection Remedy