Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion

Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion

photo credit to www.humblebeeandme.com

photo credit to www.humblebeeandme.com

Would you like an all-natural, lemon-scented lotion that will clean and disinfect sinks, bathtubs, and greasy stove tops?

Humblebeeandme has the perfect recipe!! It uses d-limone and 3 other ingredients to produce a creamy cleaning lotion. Thanks to one ingredient, it also has a bit of abrasion to scrub away surface stains. It’s super-easy to make!

You might be surprised to learn that things like ketchup, rice, coffee grounds, and other kitchen ingredients can actually do a fantastic job at cleaning house! For this lemon cream cleaning lotion please click the link below to follow……

Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion