Loom Knit Infinity Scarf

Loom Knit Infinity Scarf

Image: adventuresinloomknitting.wordpress.com

We still have a chill in the air here, Spring won’t be spung for a while yet (due to have more snow!). This is one of my favorite yarn projects I’ve made – a chunky loom-knit scarf. It’s a great beginner yarn project – I don’t know how to crochet or do traditional knitting, I only use the loom – and if I can do it, you can do it!

” The most often asked question is, “Is there a pattern?” Well, no. There isn’t. That’s because you really don’t need one. It’s just one stitch knit until the desired length is reached. Sew the ends together and call it done. That’s it! But I realize that some people like step by step instructions so here you go. ”

Loom Knit Infinity Scarf