How to Make 15 Meals in an Afternoon with Large Batch Cooking

How to Make 15 Meals in an Afternoon

with Large Batch Cooking



Have you ever heard of Meal Prep Mondays, meal prep, batch cooking, or bulk cooking? Cooking in batches is one of the best kept secrets for saving time and money! What is batch cooking? Basically, it’s preparing most or all of your meals and snacks for the entire week on 1 day out of the week. 

Here are your meals:

  • 4 Meatball & Sauce Meals
  • 4 Spaghetti Sauces
  • 2 Ground Beef Bases
  • 1 BBQ Sauce (we will use for BBQ Chicken by adding this and some Zaycon Chicken Breasts to the crockpot)
  • 4 Meals Worth of Tortillas

Instead of turning to processed and packaged foods, take advantage of the days you can cook and select recipes that you can easily double or triple the batch. How are you going to achieve all of this? No problem, click the link below and get all those recipes now! 

How to Make 15 Meals in an Afternoon with Large Batch Cooking