Make A 3D 2016 Printable Calendar

Make A 3D 2016 Printable Calendar



Make your own 3D printable calendar!! Yes, you read right, this involves a bit of DIY, but nothing too complicated. You get a very snazzy looking 3D calendar that also makes a great gift. This is good timing as Christmas will be approaching soon and if you need an idea then this is simple and cute!

Can you believe 2016 is right around the corner? Yeah, me neither. One thing we all like to do at the beginning of each year is start anew. And while there may be some resolutions I won’t be able to hold on to, one thing’s for sure: I’m starting a new planner and calendar. Check out this awesome 3D 2016 Printable Calendar – just what I needed! Click the link below….

Make A 3D 2016 Printable Calendar