How To Make Your Own Herbal Jello

How To Make Your Own Herbal Jello

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I know, it sounds crazy. Herbal Tea Jello? Really? Yes, really! When I was a kid, I HATED taking medication! But if you were sick, you had no choice! Getting me to take medicines was really hard back then – but if someone had told me to eat jelly? Now that’s a different matter! Kids love jelly and Jan from has developed an awesome way of sneakily getting healthy healing herbs into tasty jelly that kids will definitely take… You can also add different herbs depending on which illness you are trying to heal. For example, elderberry works great for flu, peppermint is great for indigestion and ginger is great for upset stomachs. You can also check out the healthier version which avoids box mixes and uses fruit juice and gelatin, you can find it on the same page! For the full recipe for making healthy herbal jello, and a breakdown of what herbs work for each illness, click the link below…

*** Please remember; home remedies are great, but if you are sick for an extended period of time or have signs of something serious that might require antibiotics (such as strep), then please consult a qualified medical professional. No advice is implied for your particular and individual situations.

How To Make Your Own Herbal Jello