How To Make A Microwave Heating Bag

How To Make A Microwave Heating Bag

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When it’s a super cold day or you have aching joints, nothing quite beats the soothing heat from a microwave heat bag… It can deliver such relief. With some basic sewing skills, you can make your own right at home! Yes you can! If sewing is not your forte, you can simply fill an old (clean) sock with your choice of filler and knot the end for a super-lazy and effective microwavable heat pack.These serve a dual purpose as you can also keep them in the freezer to use has a cooling pad or freezer pack when needed! have created a step-by-step guide to creating your own DIY microwave heat bag, click the link below to begin….

*** Keep away from children – these contain small parts that can be swallowed! 

How To Make A Microwave Heating Bag