Mini Grasshoppers in Jars

Mini Grasshoppers in Jars

photo credit to freebiefindingmom

photo credit to freebiefindingmom

I love the combination of mint and chocolate any time of the year, but especially so during the holidays. Since they’re so yummy and portable, individual grasshopper pies are a big hit with our friends, teachers, and colleagues. Here is what you will need……


*Makes approximately 12 servings. 1 jar = 1 serving.

12 (give or take) 4 oz. mini jelly jars
1 ½ C. Oreos, coarsely chopped (perfect job for the food processor)
3 tbs. butter, melted
3 C. mini marshmallows
½ C. milk
¼ C. Crème De Menthe (you can also substitute a few drops of peppermint extract and green food coloring if you wish)
1 ½ C. heavy whipping cream
Chocolate chips for topping (optional)

Head over to Kelli at You will find the full tutorial there via the link below…. Enjoy! 

Mini Grasshoppers in Jars