Natural Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe For Babies

Natural Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe For Babies

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Did you know commercial vapor rubs are typically petroleum based and add camphor which has been synthetically derived from the oil of turpentine and menthol, which is typically synthetically made. So I was able to find several recipes for homemade vapor rubs, but I wasn’t too crazy about any one in particular but this one sounded perfect!

To make the homemade vapor rub, melt the beeswax with homemade coconut oil till it fully melted in a low flame. Remove once melted and let it cool for a bit and then add the essential oils. The quality of this homemade vapor rub will depend on the quality of the essential oils you are using. Try not to add the essential oils, when the mixture is too hot. Pour it into small glass jars and your homemade all natural vapor rub is ready! You can safely use this rub on very young children too. To get this easy natural vapor rub recipe, hop over to and take a look! Click the link below…..

Natural Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe For Babies