Natural Remedies for Pink Eye

Natural Remedies for Pink Eye

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polygrams via Flickr

Pinkeye, also called conjunctivitis, is an extremely contagious bacterial or viral infection of the outermost layer of the eye and the inside surface of the eyelid. Symptoms of pinkeye include redness, itching, tearing, swelling, and/or mucous production that can firmly cement the eyelids together while sleeping. Because pink eye can be highly contagious, it is usually recommended that individuals treat both eyes even if only one has symptoms. The four main types of allergic conjunctivitis are:

  • seasonal conjunctivitis: typically caused by an allergy to pollen
  • perennial conjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to dust mites or pets
  • contact dermatoconjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to eye drops or cosmetics
  • giant papillary conjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to contact lenses

How can I prevent spreading conjunctivitis? 

  • Don’t touch or rub the infected eye(s).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water.
  • Wash any discharge from your eyes twice a day using a fresh cotton wool ball or paper towel. Afterwards discard the cotton wool ball or paper towel and wash your hands with soap and warm water.
  • Wash your bed linen and towels in hot water and detergent.
  • Avoid wearing eye make-up.
  • Wear glasses instead of contact lenses. 
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as unwashed towels.

Most folks will quickly run to the doctor’s office at the first sign of redness and irritation. A prescription for antibiotic eye drops or ointment is the usual remedy and relief is mercifully quick once the drops are applied. But how about a natural remedy? Check out this great article and find some natural ideas – click here:

Natural Remedies for Pink Eye