Natural Remedies for Headaches

Natural Remedies for Headaches

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Headaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint but many people do suffer with them at one point or another. The pain of a headache can make day-to-day life a miserable challenge, and forces us to head straight for the medication. This is a sticky situation, because ultimately that will only perpetuate the problem.When you take over-the-counter pain killers all you’re doing is smothering your symptoms and ignoring the real issue of what triggers the headache. Natural remedies for headaches may take a bit more thought than simply popping a pill, but don’t brush them off! 

We pretty much know a headache may be a symptom of a more serious underlying disorder, but often headaches are caused by stress, dehydration, tiredness, poor posture, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, food allergies, eyestrain, sinusitis, poor nutrition, or low blood sugar. Here are a few tips from

  • Apply an ice pack to your head. Try placing it on your forehead, temples, or the back of your neck.
  • Take a warm bath; take a nap; or go for a walk in the fresh air
  • Get someone to rub your neck and back, or if you have the $$ treat yourself to a massage.
  • Rest, sit, or lie quietly in a low-lit room. Close your eyes and try to release the tension in your back, neck, and shoulders.

Keep reading to learn about home remedies that can help you feel a lot better, click the link below…

Natural Remedies for Headaches