Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer!

Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food

Fresher & Longer!

photo credit to greatist

photo credit to greatist

If you’ve taken on the daunting task of cleaning out your refrigerator, you should give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back! But once all the expired condiments have been tossed and the shelves wiped clean, what’s the best way to put everything in again? Does it really matter where things go?

Not only do refrigerators have different compartments that serve different purposes, they also have different temperature zones. This means that if you’re storing things in the wrong place, you’re not taking advantage of the modern miracle of refrigeration. And that leads to loss of food, loss of money, and less desire to cook at home.

Take a look at, you will find some great advice and tips on how to Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer! Click the link below for more information, which will tell you everything you need to know…..

Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer!