How to Do a Paraffin Treatment at Home

How to Do a Paraffin Treatment at Home

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Paraffin-wax therapy softens the skin and eases the pain of sore joints and muscles. Paraffin wax absorbs and retains heat; this heat transfers to your tissues and joints when you apply the wax to your skin, which can help arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. The heat also opens your pores and increases blood circulation in your skin, leaving it softer. 
If you haven’t guessed it already, the treatment requires you to dip your hands and feet in melted paraffin wax. But before you say WHAT, HOT WAX? And then you start to think of candle wax on your skin and scalding you, know that the paraffin wax contains paraffin oil and therefore is soft and melts at lower temperatures (47°C- 64°C). Panic over? Phew…. Click the link below to get these easy instructions so you can do this treatment within your own home….
How to Do a Paraffin Treatment at Home