Pet Food for Emergency Preparedness – What to Store and How

Pet Food for Emergency Preparedness –

What to Store and How

laurawashere95 via Flickr

laurawashere95 via Flickr

When disaster strikes, the same rules that apply to people apply to pets: Preparation makes all the difference, and if it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them. Take a few minutes to make a plan and to assemble an emergency kit for yourself and your pet. Although your pets may eat only store-bought prepared dog and cat foods, the healthiest diet for them consists of quality meats, grains, and vegetables.

These are easily provided by incorporating your pets’ needs into your disaster preparedness food storage plans. Something they don’t need is excess salt and seasonings, so remove their portion of the meal before seasonings are added. For more detailed information on what to store and how to store your pets food in an emergency, click the link below….

Pet Food for Emergency Preparedness – What to Store and How