Pick Up The Toys!

Pick Up The Toys!

phot credit to www.dirtandboogers.com

photo credit to www.dirtandboogers.com

Getting your kids to pick up toys and belongings doesn’t have to be a daily struggle you know! To have good role modelling, some structure and a little fun can be used to create a more motivated little cleaner in your home! Try and follow some of these suggestions below and you just might have a little more success! I have also added a ‘Clean – Up’ song, something to add to your technique…

Clean – Up Song Original Author Unknown

Sung to: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”

Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Time to clean up where you are.
Put your toy (or whatever you need to clean up) back in it’s place.
Keep a smile upon your face.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Time to clean up where you are.

Pick Up The Toys!