Planting Sugar Pumpkins!

Planting Sugar Pumpkins!

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A post for you to bookmark and save for next year as i would say it’s too late to do this now!! The pumpkin is a very tender vegetable. Do not plant until all danger of frost has passed, and the soil has thoroughly warmed. The packets of seeds tell you when to plant in your area, but it is late April through July in the deep South and from late May to mid June in the north. Pumpkins can be harvested whenever they are a deep, solid color and the rind is hard. If vines remain healthy, harvest in late September or early October, before heavy frosts arrive! I wanted to share this post from gardenupgreen as she really does know what she is talking about! Hope this post helps you along the way too…Click the link below….

Planting Sugar Pumpkins!