Post Tummy Bug Recovery Smoothie

Post Tummy Bug Recovery Smoothie



The last 3 winters I have had this and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone! This time I wanted to do some research and I thought I would share this article that many people (myself included) SWEAR will lessen the severity of, that dreaded Stomach Virus. The best advice is to eat bland foods. Let’s start with the foods you should avoid when you’ve had a stomach bug. Leave caffeine and alcohol, fatty and spicy foods for those with a strong constitution.

You are currently weak and fragile and want to avoid the bathroom. Stay with soothing drinks like mint or chamomile tea, or restorative ones like coconut water or bone broth. Broth is loaded with nutrients and minerals that aid healing. Check out this tummy bug recovery smoothie!

Post Tummy Bug Recovery Smoothie