Propagating Succulents – How-to Tutorial

Propagating Succulents /shutterstock
Succulents are beautiful, versatile and oh-so-trendy right now. They come in every shape and color and make for gorgeous accents in your home or garden. The only problem? Succulents are expensive! So, what can we do about it? Propagating is the answer! Propagating succulents is incredibly easy, rewarding, and best of all free!
The biggest mistake made when attempting to propagate succulent plants is over watering them. If the soil is too wet, the cutting will just rot. The key to successfully propagating succulents is to keep the soil on the dry side, but the air around the cutting humid. This article will show you how to propagate succulents from leaves. These tips may not apply to every climate but this is what has worked for me and should be similar for other climates – for more information click the link below…
Propagating Succulents – How-to Tutorial