Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins

Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins

Image: onelittleproject.com

Image: onelittleproject.com

How cute are these Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats? I am pretty sure these will be a hit with everyone! There’s something about rice krispie treats that just makes me happy. They’re so fun to make and even more fun to eat. 

This recipe calls for; butter, large marshmallows, Rice Krispies, Red & Yellow Liquid Food Coloring, Mini Rolos, Green M&M’s and cooking oil (to keep it from sticking to your hands). These Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats don’t have any pumpkin in them but rather they’re just shaped to look like a pumpkin so you still get that same sweet vanilla marshmallow flavor. For the full recipe and directions head to the link below – enjoy!

Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins