Science for Kids: Overnight Crystal Garden

Science for Kids: Overnight Crystal Garden

photo credit to babbledabbledo

photo credit to babbledabbledo

Crystals have been an item of intrigue for thousands of years. Whether admiring them at a jewelers or searching for them in the ground, these shiny wonders of nature draw the attention of young and old. In nature, the amazing objects take millions of years to form in high temperatures and pressures. Now, thanks to the wonders of kitchen chemistry, you can make a veritable crystal garden in your own home!

Material list:

  • Epsom Salt 
  • Clean Glass jars or round glass votives
  • Liquid Watercolors (optional) 
  • Water
  • Bowl or glass measuring cup
  • Fork
  • Microwave (optional)

The Science Behind Crystal Gardens – In a crystal, atoms or molecules join together in a pattern that repeats itself over and over to create a certain shape. Crystals grow by adding atoms or molecules to all its sides in the exact same pattern as the atoms and molecules that were added before (COOL!!). Check it out and go make a crystal garden with some friends! Click the link below and head over to now!

Science for Kids: Overnight Crystal Garden