Squirt Gun Painting

Squirt Gun Painting

photo credit: firefliesandmudpies

photo credit: firefliesandmudpies

What’s summer without a good old messy backyard game? We love open-ended art activities which involves copious amounts of paint and today’s post is no exception!! It is very simple and inexpensive to set-up. Plus it is loads of fun for toddlers, preschool, and elementary age kids alike.

A tip – if you have young and/or impatient children, then set this up in advance without their knowledge, otherwise you will have someone pulling at your shirt hem asking every five seconds if it’s time to shoot paint yet! It is critical that you use WASHABLE paint for this activity or else the paint won’t come off the surfaces where you paint. I would do this activity OUTSIDE!! Click the link below for full details:

Squirt Gun Painting