How to Substitute Sweeteners

How to Substitute Sweeteners

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Sugar has become a constant companion in most of our lives. Whether added to our tea or coffee, or found in our favorite packaged foods we find in the supermarket aisles, sugar is hard to remove from our diet all together. With obesity levels shooting up, and greater understanding of just how sugar can wreak havoc on our health, the hunt is on for alternatives. “Americans eat 165 pounds of added sugar each year, and sugar substitutes are on the rise as well, which are hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar,” says Frances Largeman-Roth, RD, author of Feed the Belly and co-author ofThe Carb Lovers Diet.  But are artificial sweeteners, honey, agave nectar, or high-fructose corn syrup healthier than table sugar? Have you been wondering about baking with honey?  Or baking with maple syrup?  Or what to do about substituting sugar in your baked goods or other sweet (or not-so-sweet) dishes? Hop over to and check out her article by clicking the link below……


*** Just remember as with all sweeteners,  use in moderation.  Any sweetening agent that gets overused can overwhelm the liver and get turned in bad fat.