Tag: 10

10 Freezer-To-Grill Chicken Packs In 20 Minutes

10 Freezer-To-Grill Chicken Packs In 20 Minutes It’s that time of year where friends and family bond together with weekend barbecues, outdoor picnics and have tons of grilling fun! The scent of food being grilled is heavenly, where hot dogs and hamburgers would most likely come to mind. How about going healthier with chicken instead? …

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10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds I am more a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I know a lot of people who love their coffee! This is a great article from theearthymama.com who shares some great ideas to reuse coffee grounds, you will be amazed! You’ll never throw your away your used coffee grounds again …

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10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever

10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever Have you noticed that your food bill is increasing every week? We have a solution for you! Did you know it is possible to regrow foods at home, easily and cheaply with fantastic results? Everyday we throw heaps of leftovers and scraps out which could actually …

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10 Home Remedies For Hangover

10 Home Remedies For Hangover Sadly we can’t promise a miracle cure for hangovers (if anyone says they can, quite frankly they’re lying), but we can offer you some tips to ease the pain. While the only way to cure a hangover is to drink in moderation, or avoid getting one altogether, there are a …

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10 Awesome Things To Make With 55 Gallon Plastic Barrels

10 Awesome Things To Make With 55 Gallon Plastic Barrels I have come across a lot of new and interesting projects, but non as awesome as this one I am sharing with you all today. Because I live on a small homestead, I understand the value of reusing things. It is the way we roll. I …

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