Tag: 13

13 No-Mess Activities For Kids

13 No-Mess Activities For Kids Busy moms, dads, and teachers don’t always have the time (or the energy) to clean up a huge mess after the kids have gone crazy with shaving cream or a big bin of sand. These relatively simple, not super creative, non-messy activities for toddlers and young children are just the trick!. …

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13 Clever Pull Out Laundry Storage and Organization Ideas

13 Clever Pull Out Laundry Storage and Organization Ideas Let’s face it. Doing laundry is no ones favorite thing to do. A practical laundry room is a dream room we all wish to have at our homes! When there is not enough space for a dedicated room we come up with different solutions like hiding …

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13 DIY Repurposed Bathtub Projects

13 DIY Repurposed Bathtub Projects We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it. Either it’s “still OK”, or “might come in handy” or just holds some sentimental value to it. I am hoping you don’t feel that way about your bathtub! Old …

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13 Spectacular DIY Chicken Wire Craft Ideas

13 Spectacular DIY Chicken Wire Craft Ideas Chicken wire can be used for a lot of creative and useful crafts. You don’t need to have chickens to use it! Best of all, chicken wire is inexpensive, so you can make some beautifully stylish creations on a shoestring budget. Not many people think about using chicken wire …

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13 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard

13 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard For those looking to grow trees or shrubs, the approaching fall means it is almost the perfect time to plant for next season. Cooler air with warm earth gives trees and shrubs a chance to establish good root growth before having to face the heat of …

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