25 FRUGAL DIY ORGANIZATION IDEAS January is a month of organizing for many of us and clutter and possessions can soon take over any home and controlling it or even just find somewhere for it all to go can seem like an impossible task sometimes! All areas of our home needs constant organization! I have …
Tag: 25
25 Gorgeous Ways to Use Christmas Lights
25 Gorgeous Ways to Use Christmas Lights I LOVE Christmas and having Christmas lights around the house makes it more special. There’s just something about the soft, twinkling glow and the beautiful colors that can be found and as crafters, endless options of what to do with them! This post gives us 25 great ideas …
25 Ideas for the Kindness Elves
25 Ideas for the Kindness Elves Are you an Elf on the Shelf kind of family? I think the little guy is hilarious and adorable. I wanted to take a look at a different approach for this Christmas character. Let me introduce you to the Elf on the Shelf that made the nice list. This …
25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas
25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas Did you know you have a craft supply right in your kitchen cabinets? It’s true, cookie cutters have so many fun uses! Making cookies is certainly fun, but there are lots of other uses as well. Themed sandwiches, candle making, bird feeders and printing wrapping paper – It’s all here …