40+ Incredible Websites That Will Save You Tons of Money Balancing the family budget can be tough, no matter what your income is. Clipping coupons and pinching pennies may no longer be enough to allow you to pay your bills and still have money left over for fun. Macy over at popsugar.com has scoured every …
Tag: 40
40 Easy And Healthy Microwave Meals
40 Easy And Healthy Microwave Meals Having a basic microwave in your home is all that you need to ensure you get a great meal that will leave you wanting seconds. Few people think a microwave is a good substitute for a homemade meal, but you can actually get pretty close to homemade by simply …
40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items
40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Going to the store is not always something you are interested in doing to solve every problem. So I found this great article on how to solve home problems quickly and easily at simplehouseholdtips.com. Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and …
40 Easy to Make DIY Halloween Decor Ideas
40 Easy to Make DIY Halloween Decor Ideas Halloween is a fun holiday with plenty of things to keep you busy – costumes, food and decoration to name a few. One of the best parts about this scary holiday is decorating your house to scare and impress all of your neighbours There is no need …
40 Practical Tricks for an Ordinary Rubber Band
40 Practical Tricks for an Ordinary Rubber Band Whether you call it a binder, elastic, lackey band, laggy band, lacka band or gumband, all we can say is blessed be the rubber band! From different sizes to different colours – you can always make use of a rubber band! Over at marcandangel.com they have come up …