40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Going to the store is not always something you are interested in doing to solve every problem. So I found this great article on how to solve home problems quickly and easily at simplehouseholdtips.com. Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and …
Tag: 40
40 Fun and Creative Easter Crafts for Kids and Toddlers
40 Fun and Creative Easter Crafts for Kids and Toddlers Welcome to this brilliant Easter activity round-up from diyncrafts.com! It’s almost Easter and now is the time to start to introduce Easter to kids and toddlers with crafts and activities that they can enjoy. Here you will find a fun project which allows you to transform …
40+ Mosquito Bite Itch Relief Tips
40+ Mosquito Bite Itch Relief Tips Although it rarely happens, mosquito bites can trigger a severe anaphylactic reactionor transmit certain diseases, like malaria or West Nile virus. Most of the time, however, mosquito bites simply itch. Fortunately, there are many ways to heal your body of its annoying itch, ranging from fruit (lemon slices and banana …
40 Amazing Uses For WD-40
40 Amazing Uses For WD-40 WD-40 performs five basic functions: It cleans, displaces moisture, penetrates, lubricates, and protects. These functions can be expanded for use on a variety of items in and around your home. Squirrels pinching your nuts? A squirt of WD-40 on your bird table stand will help stop them stealing food left out …
40 Wonderful DIY Fire Pit Ideas
40 Wonderful DIY Fire Pit Ideas One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to invite friends and family over, and gather around the fire pit. The best summer nights always involve good people, good food, and a space that encourages good conversation. They’re great for feeding your guests and giving you …