Tag: 5

5 Reasons To Ditch Your Deodorant

5 Reasons To Ditch Your Deodorant There are some care products that we all have been using for years and years without question. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste… and deodorant. We all just assume that once we hit a certain age then deodorant becomes a basic part of our lives… but should it? Many conventional deodorants contain harmful …

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5 Top Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide For Teeth, Hair, Skin, Ears & Cleaning

5 Top Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide For Teeth, Hair, Skin, Ears & Cleaning People typically use hydrogen peroxide for sanitizing small cuts and as a whitener for delicate items, however there is much more to this little brown bottle than most of us realize! I personally use peroxide for a ton of things around the house, …

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Homemade Organic Baby Wipes You Can Make In 5 Minutes!

Homemade Organic Baby Wipes You Can Make In 5 Minutes! Ever checked the ingredients on your baby wipes? Yeah, I hadn’t either. The Cosmetics Database gives you a complete list and a hazard rating of the different brands of wipes. Making homemade baby wipes takes just a few minutes of work and saves loads of money. …

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5 Simple Dog Treat Recipes

5 Simple Dog Treat Recipes If you’ve never made treats for your dog I’d suggest starting with one of these simple dog treat recipes. I spend a lot of time admiring cooking blogs for both humans and dogs alike. People come up with all sorts of fancy recipes with ingredients I’ve never heard of. They’re nice …

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5 Quick Growing Veggies You Can Harvest In No Time

5 Quick Growing Veggies You Can Harvest In No Time While gardening tends to be a patient process that can’t be hurried, some vegetables reach harvest size more rapidly than others. Asian greens, lettuce, beans, sprouts, peas and rocket will all sprout and mature quickly. Here are some vegetables to plant that you’ll be picking …

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